How to download .APK files

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I am taking notes on how to back up applications distributed on Google Play.

Since only the latest version of the application that can be installed from Google Play, let's back it up when you want to install a past version.

Once you download an application on Google Play, you can save it as an extension. Apk file.

Since the actual state of. apk file is a file compressed in ZIP format, you can check its contents with archiver bar Lhaz etc. corresponding to ZIP format.

APK backup

The way to download. apk file is as follows.
Whichever method you use, the result is the same, so let's choose the method that suits you.

  • How to use the website that provides the .apk file
  • How to use the Google Chrome extension
  • How to use Android application

A website that can download APK files

Google Chrome extension

* Direct APK Downloader needs to input terminal unique ID displayed by Device ID.

Android application (Google Play)

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