How to slim down a bloated DataStore folder

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If the HDD becomes full access immediately after the PC starts and the PC does not operate as expected for a while, it may be improved by slimming the\DataStore folder?

When I was using Windows XP, slimming the\DataStore dramatically improved the symptoms, but Windows 7 didn't seem to have that much effect.

Windows 7 users may not care, but I would like to keep a record of the steps to optimize the DataStore folder.

Since\DataStore is an important folder where Windows Update history is stored, it is not necessary to slim it when there is enough space on the local drive.

It is recommended to leave it alone.

A bloat can slow down Windows Update client scanning.

Causes of bloat

Windows Update adds the history of installed updates to DataStore.edb.

Applying a security patch distributed around the 10th of every month increases the file size of DataStore.edb.

The size of the log folder will also increase.

Windows Update will check DataStore.edb to determine which updates have been applied to your PC.

If the file size of DataStore.edb is very large, matching will take time.

DataStore.edb location

DataStore.edb is located at:


Datastore path

The size of DataStore.edb was 744MB in my environment. (2017/05/16, Windows 7)

Slimming procedure

The Logs folder and Datastore.edb file will be newly created when the WindowsUpdate service starts.

  1. Stop the WindowsUpdate service
  2. Delete " Logs " and " Datastore.edb " under the DataStore folder
  3. Start the WindowsUpdate service
  4. End of procedure


[Windows Update related folders and files]
  • \DataStore
  • \DataStore\Logs
  • Datastore.edb

It is highly likely that you will not get the effect you can experience with Windows 7, so we recommend leaving it alone.

Rebuilding\DataStore does not have any dramatic effect. And since\DataStore is a system folder used by Windows, deleting it is risky.

Let's stock this information as an option to consider when the behavior of Windows Update becomes strange or when the hard disk space becomes tight.

I'm a challenger, so I love such verification.

Verification: Windows 7, Windows XP

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