en[EVENT1008] RemoteAccess Open Procedure ... Not found

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I am writing about [Event ID 1008] Perflib warning that is recorded in the event log when updating to Windows 10 Version 1903.

"Perflib" is a performance counter.

And Remote Access is involved.

Well, the main subject.

Now that I have found a fix, I will share the steps I have taken.


  1. Rebuild performance counters
  2. Add extensible counter

Event Log

The event log is reprinted.

Event Log
message Open procedure for service "RemoteAccess" in DLL "C:\Windows\System32\rasctrs.dll" error code The file specified cannot be found. And failed. Performance data for this service is not available.
log nameApplication
Event id1008

Repair method

If PLAN-A is not effective, try PLAN-B.


  1. Rebuild performance counters
  2. Add extensible counters (rasctrs.ini)

The specific procedure for each is as follows.

Step A
Rebuild performance counters.

Use the command prompt started in administrator mode or Windows PowerShell.

> lodctr /R
Administrator: Windows PowerShellー □ × 
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32 >lodctr /R

Info: Successfully rebuilt performance counter settings from system backup store
Step B
Add an extensible counter.

When examined with a registry editor, the INI file corresponding to rasctrs.dll was rasctrs.ini.

rasctrs.ini is the file needed to add extensible counters.

> LODCTR rasctrs.ini
Administrator: Windows PowerShellー □ × 
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32 >lodctr C:\Windows\INF\RemoteAccess\0411\rasctrs.ini

Unable to open Perflib language key 009

According to Microsoft official website, "Can't open Perflib language key 009" can be ignored.


When the word "Perflib" is recorded in the event log, it indicates that there is a problem with the performance counter.

Performing step A often clears the problem, but in some cases, like this case, step B is required.

Step B requires a -.ini file to add extensible counters.

-When looking for an .ini file, you can search by the name of the DLL file recorded in the event log.

In the example in this article, the part without the extension has the same name.

DLL filerasctrs.dll
INI filerasctrs.ini

Alternatively, start Registry Editor and search for the DLL file name.

The settings related to the performance counter of RemoteAccess can be found in the following hierarchy.



Since the character strings of -.dll and -.ini excluding the extension may be different, it is sure to check with Registry Editor.

Validation: Windows 10 Pro May 2019 Update, v1903.18362.207
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