A format that automatically adds a date to the archive name when compressing

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Lhaz is a free-to-use archiver.

The archiver in this article refers to software that has a "compression /decompression" function.

If Lhaz is associated with archive files such as [-.zip | -.cab | -.lzh ...], when you double-click the archive file, decompression, automatic folder creation, browsing (file list display), etc. You will be able to select the processing of.

Well, the main subject.

Lhaz has an option to automatically add a date to the archive filename when compressing a file or folder.

I'd like to inform Lhaz users that this feature is so modest.

[Lhaz: Options for decompression processing]
  • Unzip to this folder
  • Specify the extraction folder
  • Extraction destination history
  • Browse
  • Automatic folder generation
  • Open the extraction destination
  • Ignore folder

Format for adding date

Format and file name
Archive file nameFile name_yymmdd. Extension

For example,

If you compress the\sources folder in ZIP format with Lhaz with the above format added, the sources_180217.zip file will be generated.

\F: File name
¥y: Last 2 digits of the Christian era
¥m: Month
\D: day
\A: Extension after compression

Formats other than the above are available.
For details, read the postscript.

Lhaz: compression options
Add a format in "Specify archive name".

Multiple formats can be added and selected at the time of compression.

Register multiple formats

If you register multiple formats, you can select the registered format on the operation selection screen of Lhaz when compressing files and folders.

The library name reflecting the format is displayed in a list, so it is easy to understand.

[Lhaz: Options for compression processing]
  • Compress to this folder
  • Specify compressed folder
  • sources_180217.zip (if you have added formatting)
  • sources.zip (default format)
  • Specify the archive name
  • ZIP compression (you can choose another format)


Reprint the formats that can be used in Lhaz.

Lhaz: Format list
Source: Lhaz Help

Specify archive name (A)
You can specify the archive file name.
If the compression source file name is filename.txt, it will be as follows.
\f = filename = filename
\F = filename = filename.txt
\e = extension = txt
\a = extension after compression = one of lzh, zip, cab, tgz, tar, gz, tbz, bz2,7z, exe.
\Y = 4 digit year
\y = last two digits of the Christian era
\m = month
\d = day
\h = hour
\n = minutes
\s = seconds
\S = (convert spaces to underscores)
You can also set any character (a valid file name).
By default, it is\f.\A, so it will be filename.lzh (for LZH compression).
Here is another setting example.
\f.\e.\a → filename.txt.lzh
\f\y\m\d.\a → filename010531.lzh
The compression source file name when compressing multiple files is
In the case of D & D compression → the file name you were holding
For "Send" compression → Right clicked file name
Will be.
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